Sunday, February 21, 2016

Silence or How to be Hearing Impaired Me

Silence watches,
silence watches the city.
The people, the babble and the din,
Fall on his deaf ears like birds,
Landing on a frozen puddle.

He moves among them and they stare.

He moves among them and they don't care.
The broken radio plays only static.

Saturday, February 20, 2016


What do I think?
Shall it be for POETRY?

The Thinker,

Modern words.
Fairy Tale,
Science Fiction.

Life and Death,
I use it for Poetry.


Friday, February 19, 2016

A Identity for The Taken

This post was taken from another site with slight alterations. 
This is for my main blog ‘Ocean of Emptiness’ which is for a writer close to me, whose name will be revealed, also the term came from Intersteller. So, first, what is ‘feastofwords’? Well I can take it two ways to explain. One has to do with where the phrase comes from and two is the blog itself.? Well, the phrase came from, as a joke kinda, “The Last Supper” where Jesus was sitting by others next to a table of food. The food are words at the writers table where you’ll find George Orwell, Charles Dickens and J.R.R. Tolkien among others. Who is at the center? Anyones guess. Ocean of Emptiness is a blog for a particular fictional writer and poet who I myself know. I met him in middle school and grew up with him throughout high school and ultimately in college. By that time he kinda struggled and he still is. He wrote his first poem as an assignment for class and his first freely written poem in the end of that semester in 10th grade. The first was “We All Wear Masks” from “We All Wear Faces” by Dunbar and finally “The Darkest Hour” which was a fantasy poem that came from nowhere. He wrote shorts in middle school for an assignment involving spelling words. They were fanfics of a sort that were plagiarized from films, games and books. But, you start from somewhere before you do originals. In high school, he wrote a short called “Silence” for his “Myth and Legend” class, which was also a poem of the same name after he called it “How to be Hearing Impaired Me”. I guess when its an assignment, he is more involved to write. Maybe he should write for a magazine. I don’t know. But, those were his firsts, I laugh at that he also makes up words like Admirfication and Inexistance. The Last was a shock to know it doesn’t exist. He did write a song once……that’s…. something else and it was bad.

What is his name? Has it gone to that point? well, ok. Well, I do know he has been thinking of pseudos for himself, he once wrote a short experiment on a novel thats unfinished called “The Other Side” under Daniel Crow. In games, he goes Marcellus and his name is actually a common one where he lives. He told me a name he thought of that felt perfect. He played a game from Remedy Entertainment called “Alan Wake” which was about a horror novelist named Alan Wake. In the game, there was an unknown writer named Thomas Zane. Thomas sparked something to him. Felt like a writers name. He did say a last name which popped up from nowhere and as far as my knowledge goes, it doesn’t exist as a name but, the word does and a word meaning “alert” and/or “watchful”. Perhaps he wanted a name that was a character like Robert Gailbraith AKA JK Rowling or Richard Bachman AKA Stephen King. Both however is still different as RG is a character and RB is a way to publish books without his name or in other words seems to prove that he can sell books even under a different person.(I laugh). Both used false pics for identity to, Rowling and King used their agent Neil Blair and Richard McCauley respectively. Bachman’s and McCauley’s first name are Richard and Robert Gailbraith was named after Robert Kennedy who is a childhood hero of Rowling’s. Stephen wrote a book called “The Dark Half” about Richard Bachman and Stephen King himself or rather themselves. Introducing Thad Beaumont and George Stark, his other half, the writer. Thad buried him, so to speak, and it was a mistake as Stark came alive to haunt him and killing lots of people to get his attention. The quip was that both are the same person, same face. I only saw the movie. So, what is his chosen name? It’s Thomas, Thomas Greer.